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The Collaborative International Dictionary

accelerated \accelerated\ adj.

  1. 1 caused to move faster

    Syn: speeded up

  2. 1 caused to be completed in a shorter than normal time period; speeded up, as of an academic course; He took an accelerated curriculum, and graduated in three years. Opposite of delayed.

    Syn: expedited

  1. 1 Moving or progressing faster than is usual. 2 Happening sooner than expected. v

  2. (en-past of: accelerate)

  1. adj. caused to go more rapidly [syn: speeded up]

  2. speeded up, as of an academic course; "in an accelerated program in school"


Usage examples of "accelerated".

A single laser-guided missile dropped from the racks and accelerated at four thousand gravities.

There is no way of distinguishing an accelerated motion from a gravitational field force, right?

Grounders never got used to the fact that in orbit, you decelerated by firing your rockets to move into a higher, slower orbit, and accelerated by using your retros to drop into a lower, faster orbit.

Dane saw the gray of Shver skin, black-clothed, and the tension accelerated into danger.

Naxid missiles, Martinez realized, accelerated to relativistic velocities outside the system, then fired through the wormhole along the route they knew Chenforce had to take.

Three and a half days later the enemy raced past Zanshaa without firing a missile at Sula or anyone else, and accelerated on a path for the Vandrith gas giant.

Even under the accelerated building schedules produced in wartime, it would have taken ages to put one of those giants together.

The observations of such individuals will be more complicated to analyze than those of constant-velocity observers, whose motion is more serene, but nevertheless we can ask whether there is some way of taming this complexity and bringing accelerated motion squarely into our newfound understanding of space and time.

We can imitate the effect of gravity through suitably accelerated motion.

For instance, if your forward-facing chair is bolted to the floor and your compartment is being accelerated forward, you will feel the force of your seat on your back just as with the car described by Albert.

Similarly, if your compartment is being accelerated upward you will feel the force of the floor on your feet.

On the other hand, accelerated motion, although somewhat more complicated than constant-velocity motion, is concrete and tangible.

Achieving this end required that Einstein forge a second link in the chain uniting gravity and accelerated motion: the curvature of space and time, to which we now turn.

In the example of the terrorist bomb, we learned that gravitational forces are indistinguishable from accelerated motion.

For instance, as dust and gas from the outer layers of nearby ordinary stars fall toward the event horizon of a black hole, they are accelerated to nearly the speed of light.