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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
absolute authority (=complete authority over everyone – used especially about the leader of a country)
▪ In those days, the emperor had absolute authority.
absolute beginner
▪ an absolute beginner
absolute majority
absolute necessity
▪ A car is an absolute necessity if you live in the country.
absolute power (=total power, with no limits)
▪ Parents had absolute power over children in those days.
absolute rubbish
▪ The suggestion is absolute rubbish.
absolute secrecy
▪ I must stress the need for absolute secrecy about the project.
absolute zero
absolute/complete/total obedience
▪ The King required absolute obedience.
absolute/pure hate (=complete and total hate)
▪ His speech was an expression of pure hate.
absolute/stark terror (=extreme terror)
▪ On his face was an expression of absolute terror.
absolute/total/complete loyalty
▪ He knew that he had Boyle's complete loyalty.
absolute/utter disgrace
It’s an absolute disgrace, the way he treats his wife.
an absolute bargain
▪ £59.99 is an absolute bargain.
an absolute maximum
▪ Entries are limited to an absolute maximum of 100 words.
an absolute/bare minimum (=the very least amount)
▪ He paid in five pounds, the bare minimum needed to keep the bank account open.
an absolute/complete nightmare
▪ The whole day was an absolute nightmare.
an absolute/outright/clear majority (=a majority that has been won by more than half the votes)
▪ There was no party with an absolute majority in the House of Commons.
complete/absolute mastery
▪ His latest collection shows his complete mastery of painting with oils.
complete/total/absolute/utter silence
▪ They sat in complete silence.
▪ The silence in the room was absolute.
decree absolute
have every/complete/absolute confidence in sb/sth
▪ A manager must be able to have complete confidence in his staff.
pure/absolute/sheer etc hell
▪ They described the war zone as sheer hell.
pure/absolute/sheer etc hell
▪ ‘How was your exam?’ ‘Sheer hell!’
utter/absolute nonsense (=complete nonsense)
▪ He said that the charges against him were absolute nonsense.
▪ Comments: A most undemanding and very hardy plant, which can be grown by the absolute beginner with great success.
▪ Many of our students are absolute beginners who are looking to expand their artistic interests.
▪ Comments: Very easy plant to grow even for the absolute beginner.
▪ Courses cater for all levels of diver from the absolute beginner up to those who want to fine tune their technique.
▪ The colour is white, to denote an absolute beginner.
▪ Clever paint tricks Because there's more patience than skill involved in stencilling, it's a great technique for absolute beginners.
▪ This applies whether you are an absolute beginner or experienced sailor.
▪ For they know with absolute certainty that one day it will come.
▪ There was absolute certainty in his voice.
▪ The threat to truth as the goal of science is not just a threat to absolute certainty.
▪ They were up against the absolute certainty of guilt expressed by all the parties weighed against them.
▪ That is, the position of a particle could not be defined with absolute certainty, but only by statistical probability.
▪ He had to have absolute certainty.
▪ An absolute certainty that no-one wishes you harm.
▪ I did not know what I wanted to be but knew with absolute certainty what I did not want to be.
▪ Dalgliesh knew that no politician would have talked with such freedom unless he had had absolute confidence in his listener's discretion.
▪ I did not fret about the delay, because by now I had absolute confidence in the men I was working with.
▪ The niceties gave way to steely-eyed focus and thrilling adventure built on absolute confidence.
▪ An absolute confidence that what was about to happen had to happen.
▪ In totalitarian states absolute control of information and the armed forces is the key to the survival of the despot.
▪ For those fifteen years, the wills gave the designated trustee absolute control, and the trustee was Mark.
▪ Ideally the vendor will wish to retain absolute control over the way in which the business is managed.
▪ I believe your correspondent forgets we are a private company still in absolute control of 75 percent of it.
▪ The absolute control they have over their voices was stunning, their harmonising superb.
▪ Cancellation by us may be necessary in exceptional circumstances and we reserve the right in our absolute discretion to cancel your holiday.
▪ The correction official possessed almost absolute discretion over the parole decision.
▪ The Council of the Research Defence Society reserves absolute discretion as to who shall be elected to membership.
▪ Next door's goings on were an absolute disgrace.
▪ After 13 years, it is an absolute disgrace that no input has been made to tackling unemployment.
▪ Some women who come from exactly the same culture with the same intent go through absolute hell.
▪ The first month was absolute hell, especially as I didn't have a watch.
▪ In absolute levels, we have fallen off only from the historically high 1980 figures.
▪ This striking rate of growth should not obscure the fact that the absolute level of industrial activity was still extremely low.
▪ Historical evidence suggests that it is not the absolute level of unemployment which restrains wage claims but its rate of change.
▪ His pole was impaling her to the absolute limit, and she began panting as if she'd just run the four-minute mile.
▪ With this information in mind, clients decide on two sets of limits, a regular and an absolute limit.
▪ Weight-lifting is a specialised form of muscle-building which requires the body to use its muscles to the absolute limit.
▪ Leese was good at knowing the absolute limits of aircraft.
▪ His quest for glory has caused him to stretch his energies to the absolute limit.
▪ But it is important to push yourself to the absolute limits of your endurance.
▪ The second round was contested in the 58 constituencies where no candidate had gained an absolute majority in the first round.
▪ The elections are by secret ballot, and an absolute majority is required.
▪ Since the latter did not obtain an absolute majority, a run-off contest would be held on Feb. 2.
▪ National secured an absolute majority with only 35.1 % of the vote.
▪ It was only after the SPÖ failed to win an absolute majority in the general election of 1983 that he stood down.
▪ No party won an absolute majority and the outgoing government remained in office in a caretaker capacity as inter-party negotiations took place.
▪ If there is a party with an absolute majority in the lower house it will form the government.
▪ As they controlled an absolute majority of shares, the club was effectively closed.
▪ Seventy-five words absolute maximum per entry, but you may submit as many entries as you like.
▪ As an absolute minimum they will hold the member liable for any failure to supervise.
▪ However, the objective must be to reduce the intake of all pesticides to the absolute minimum.
▪ In principle, platform numbers should be kept to an absolute minimum.
▪ Everyone, whether on a slimming diet or not, should reduce this kind of sugar to an absolute minimum.
▪ Weighing ten kilograms a pair, I have to make sure the rest of my belongings are kept to an absolute minimum.
▪ Make do with the absolute minimum.
▪ Expatriate vehicles are kept to an absolute minimum, and site offices are merely caravans.
▪ In view of the substantial sums of money involved, risks must be reduced to the absolute minimum.
▪ For Durkheim this explained the harshness of punishment in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, when absolute monarchy was at its height.
▪ This is an absolute necessity and to work in defiance of it means total failure.
▪ White gloves and a pillbox hat were absolute necessities.
▪ Design, development and management have in common the absolute necessity of taking action based on incomplete information.
▪ Artificial light is an absolute necessity for the developments of plants.
▪ There are two infestations that are commonly transmitted in this way although there is no absolute necessity for this mode of transmission.
▪ Careful searching of the literature is an absolute necessity in the preparation of any study and solution to problems.
▪ Supplies of liquid helium are an absolute necessity in many modern science laboratories.
▪ That's absolute nonsense, James.
▪ Statement E: Racism as rational self interest I think that's absolute nonsense.
▪ The Commission's proposals on beef are absolute nonsense.
▪ By 2001 this younger group are expected to decline in absolute numbers by some 238,000 - around 5%.
▪ The same was true for nearly half of the 30 occupations adding the most jobs in absolute numbers.
▪ The country has one of the highest rates of executions both in absolute numbers and per capita.
▪ Comparing the absolute number of patents filed between countries is difficult because of different national patent regimes.
▪ The absolute number of adults classed as disabled increases continuously with age up to 79 years and then decreases slightly.
▪ Look for percentages which are shown without the original absolute numbers.
▪ In terms of both absolute numbers and numbers of species, beetles are the most successful group of animals on the planet.
▪ First, they tell us only about absolute numbers of drug users or drug-related events, and not about population rates.
▪ By 2001 this younger group are expected to decline in absolute numbers by some 238,000 - around 5%.
▪ The same was true for nearly half of the 30 occupations adding the most jobs in absolute numbers.
▪ The country has one of the highest rates of executions both in absolute numbers and per capita.
▪ Look for percentages which are shown without the original absolute numbers.
▪ In terms of both absolute numbers and numbers of species, beetles are the most successful group of animals on the planet.
▪ First, they tell us only about absolute numbers of drug users or drug-related events, and not about population rates.
▪ The numbers in square brackets are the absolute numbers, given to illustrate the incidence of both in the data.
▪ Indicated below are the absolute numbers of thymocytes.
▪ More than half of lone parents with two or more children had incomes below their absolute poverty level at £227 a week.
▪ The rich get richer and the rural population is doomed to remain in absolute poverty.
▪ As a whole group they are in relative or absolute poverty, in contrast to the general adult population of working age.
▪ Glare was to be observed in greater strictness and in absolute poverty.
▪ Indeed, over the period in question, many tens of millions joined the hundreds of millions already suffering from absolute poverty.
▪ This means that at least another 6 million children are living in absolute poverty but are not receiving benefits.
▪ Relative poverty, more markedly than absolute poverty, clearly rose rapidly throughout the 1970s.
▪ It can be addictive, for power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
▪ Would a system not be a dictatorship if the ruler is unable to exercise absolute power?
▪ None had foreseen the assumption of absolute power by one of their own number.
▪ I have vast, absolute power over him.
▪ Even among left-wing clergy the idea of endowing one man with absolute power is abhorrent.
▪ We begin by looking at power relationships, not at the absolute power of any single individual.
▪ It is, however, wrong to think of the Prime Minister as having absolute power.
▪ Bishops enjoy almost absolute power, and the laity have no means of rejecting a candidate, no matter how unsuitable.
▪ Politicians often claim that human life is beyond economic calculation and must be given absolute priority whatever the cost.
▪ Understandably, they took absolute priority over the quantitative measures.
Priority one double A means drop everything else, this has absolute priority.
▪ Some, including Mr Townsend himself, would give it an absolute priority.
▪ Difficulties have arisen as to whether letters written to Ministers by M.P.s in the course of their duties are covered by absolute privilege.
▪ Strauss alleged that this was an infringement of his absolute privilege of free speech and as such was a contempt of Parliament.
▪ Communications between a person and his legal advisor have absolute privilege which can only be waived by the client.
▪ The absolute right of an editor or journalist to opt for a personal hearing before a complaints committee would be removed.
▪ Any competent adult has the absolute right to refuse to be examined by any particular individual.
▪ Some authorities give the misleading impression that they alone have the absolute right to deliver certain services to the public.
▪ Nomatterwhat the Home Secretary has said, clauses 5 and 6 mean that there will be no absolute right of appeal.
▪ First, there appears to be no absolute right to such representation.
▪ He has no absolute rights over her.
▪ The third proposal is that parents should have absolute rights to choose the school that their children should attend.
▪ All those stories about Sandra being mistaken for Lady Lucan are absolute rubbish as far as I am concerned.
▪ No absolute rule can be laid down as to the way the subordinate judge should proceed.
▪ However, having considered the arguments, Lord Bingham said that it was not a subject that lent itself to absolute rules.
Secrecy Rule 2.1 stresses the need for absolute secrecy before an announcement is made.
▪ In the area of basic national defense the frequent need for absolute secrecy is, of course, self-evident.
▪ Until radicals grasped the need to conduct their affairs in absolute secrecy, their chances of conspiring effectively were remote.
▪ In particular, contingent entities can not be individuated in an absolute sense by any kind of descriptive phrase.
▪ Nothing very terrible, finally-at least not in any absolute sense.
▪ Proteins are asymmetric in an absolute sense in that every copy of the polypeptide chain has the same orientation.
▪ As long as the elements never attain their natural places in an absolute sense, things will continue much as they are.
▪ The air was delicate and there was a complete, absolute silence.
▪ The lights, the stillness, the absolute silence can capture the soul.
▪ But there was absolute silence in the house.
▪ The woods were in absolute silence.
▪ I sit down here in the absolute silence with my reflection, in a sort of state of mystery.
▪ The nomes stood in absolute silence.
▪ Everything I have told you is the absolute truth.
▪ He says the compulsion of scientists to find the absolute truth can lead to a kind of intellectual tyranny.
▪ Roy always asked for ` the absolute truth with no cushions'.
▪ It was a sudden, absolute truth, never again to be questioned.
▪ Any self-declared woman-centred account or interpretation of experience can assume the status of absolute truth.
▪ So relative truth is necessary to convey the meaning of absolute Truth which we affirm in faith.
▪ They wrestle with ways to reconcile pluralism with the absolute Truth of the Torah.
▪ But there have been other claims to knowledge of absolute Truth.
▪ Near absolute zero, however, molecules have much less thermal energy.
▪ And those which are work only at temperatures close to absolute zero.
▪ The catch is that it operates only at temperatures just above absolute zero.
▪ We're at one millionth of a degree above absolute zero.
▪ This corresponds to a temperature of -273°C or 0 K. This is the temperature called absolute zero.
▪ Kobe Steel supplied the liquid-helium refrigerator for super-chilling the magnets close to absolute zero.
▪ All matter at temperatures above that of absolute zero emits infrared radiation.
▪ On the absolute scale of temperature, 0 K is called absolute zero.
▪ an absolute standard of morality
▪ April 10 is the absolute deadline.
▪ His office is an absolute mess.
▪ No one can say with absolute certainty that the oil is there.
▪ The show was an absolute disaster the first night.
▪ As long as Robert Hirsh is alive, deejays will never be at the absolute bottom of the barrel.
▪ I know of no primitive people anywhere that either rejects and despises conflict or represents warfare as an absolute evil.
▪ In absolute figures, he/she had more.
▪ Oh, and Cal, Agnes sounds like an absolute winner.
▪ Reliance was also placed upon the power of absolute and immediate distress in the statute.
▪ The technique allows them to chill atoms to a temperature as low as a millionth of a degree above absolute zero.
▪ This is an absolute necessity and to work in defiance of it means total failure.
▪ In business, there are very few absolutes.
▪ As a religion humanism affirms some important absolutes.
▪ But the left can not be equally self-serving by hanging on to absolutes.
▪ By declaring a set of absolutes, it supplies standards as well as goals for both individuals and institutions.
▪ Communities need absolutes, ideals of truths, transcendent sources of authority which are unchanged and unchangeable.
▪ If there are no absolutes or eternal values, then the moral imperative behind such movements evaporates into thin air.
▪ If there ever was an absolute, this comes close to being one of them.
▪ Sometimes priorities can be expressed in absolute terms but at other times absolutes are impossible.
▪ Species can, in the new world of the molecules, no longer be seen as absolutes.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Absolute \Ab"so*lute\, n. (Geom.) In a plane, the two imaginary circular points at infinity; in space of three dimensions, the imaginary circle at infinity.


Absolute \Ab"so*lute\, a. [L. absolutus, p. p. of absolvere: cf. F. absolu. See Absolve.]

  1. Loosed from any limitation or condition; uncontrolled; unrestricted; unconditional; as, absolute authority, monarchy, sovereignty, an absolute promise or command; absolute power; an absolute monarch.

  2. Complete in itself; perfect; consummate; faultless; as, absolute perfection; absolute beauty.

    So absolute she seems, And in herself complete.

  3. Viewed apart from modifying influences or without comparison with other objects; actual; real; -- opposed to relative and comparative; as, absolute motion; absolute time or space.

    Note: Absolute rights and duties are such as pertain to man in a state of nature as contradistinguished from relative rights and duties, or such as pertain to him in his social relations.

  4. Loosed from, or unconnected by, dependence on any other being; self-existent; self-sufficing.

    Note: In this sense God is called the Absolute by the Theist. The term is also applied by the Pantheist to the universe, or the total of all existence, as only capable of relations in its parts to each other and to the whole, and as dependent for its existence and its phenomena on its mutually depending forces and their laws.

  5. Capable of being thought or conceived by itself alone; unconditioned; non-relative.

    Note: It is in dispute among philosopher whether the term, in this sense, is not applied to a mere logical fiction or abstraction, or whether the absolute, as thus defined, can be known, as a reality, by the human intellect.

    To Cusa we can indeed articulately trace, word and thing, the recent philosophy of the absolute.
    --Sir W. Hamilton.

  6. Positive; clear; certain; not doubtful. [R.]

    I am absolute 't was very Cloten.

  7. Authoritative; peremptory. [R.]

    The peddler stopped, and tapped her on the head, With absolute forefinger, brown and ringed.
    --Mrs. Browning.

  8. (Chem.) Pure; unmixed; as, absolute alcohol.

  9. (Gram.) Not immediately dependent on the other parts of the sentence in government; as, the case absolute. See Ablative absolute, under Ablative.

    Absolute curvature (Geom.), that curvature of a curve of double curvature, which is measured in the osculating plane of the curve.

    Absolute equation (Astron.), the sum of the optic and eccentric equations.

    Absolute space (Physics), space considered without relation to material limits or objects.

    Absolute terms. (Alg.), such as are known, or which do not contain the unknown quantity.
    --Davies & Peck.

    Absolute temperature (Physics), the temperature as measured on a scale determined by certain general thermo-dynamic principles, and reckoned from the absolute zero.

    Absolute zero (Physics), the be ginning, or zero point, in the scale of absolute temperature. It is equivalent to -273[deg] centigrade or -459.4[deg] Fahrenheit.

    Syn: Positive; peremptory; certain; unconditional; unlimited; unrestricted; unqualified; arbitrary; despotic; autocratic.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., "unrestricted; complete, perfect;" also "not relative to something else" (mid-15c.), from Middle French absolut (14c., Old French asolu, Modern French absolu), from Latin absolutus, past participle of absolvere "to set free, make separate" (see absolve).\n

\nMost of the current senses also were in the Latin word. Sense evolution was "detached, disengaged," thus "perfect, pure." Meaning "despotic" (1610s) is from notion of "absolute in position." Absolute monarchy is recorded from 1735 (absolute king is recorded from 1610s); scientific absolute magnitude (1902), absolute value (1907) are from early 20c. In metaphysics, the absolute "that which is absolute" is from 1809.

  1. 1 (context obsolete English) absolve; free. (Attested from around 1350 to 1470 until the mid 17th century.)(R:SOED5: page=9) 2 (context obsolete English) Disengaged from accidental circumstances. (Attested from around 1350 until 1470.) 3 (context archaic English) complete in itself; perfect. (First attested around 1350 to 1470.) 4 (context grammar English) Not immediately dependent on the other parts of the sentence; as(First attested around 1350 to 1470.) 5 # (context of a case form English) syntactically connected to the rest of the sentence in an atypical manner; ablative absolute; nominative absolute; genitive absolute; accusative absolute. (First attested around 1350 to 1470.) 6 # standing by itself in a loose syntactical connection, and qualifying the sentence as a whole rather than any single word in it. (First attested around 1350 to 1470.) 7 # (context of an adjective or possessive pronoun English) lacking a modified substantive. (First attested around 1350 to 1470.) 8 # (context comparative superlative English) expressing a relative term without a definite comparison.'(First attested around 1350 to 1470.) 9 # (context transitive English) having no direct object. (First attested around 1350 to 1470.) 10 # (context Irish Welsh English) an inflected verb that is not preceded by any number of articles or compounded with a prever

  2. (First attested around 1350 to 1470.) 11 (context obsolete English) Absorbed in, as an occupation. (Attested only in the late 15th century.) 12 Unrestricted; in sole control; possessing absolute power; independent, as in ownership or authority. (First attested in the late 15th century.) 13 Pure; unmixed; as, ''absolute'' alcohol. (First attested in the mid 16th century.) 14 (context figurative English) Complete; utter; outright; unmitigated; entire; total; not qualified or diminished in any way; unrestricted; without limitation. (First attested in the late 16th century.) 15 unconditional; free from any conditions, limitations, and relations; (First attested in the mid 16th century.) 16 # having unlimited power, without limits set by a constitution, parliament, or other means. (First attested in the mid 16th century.) 17 # proceeding from or characteristic of an absolute ruler. (First attested in the mid 16th century.) 18 # absolutist; arbitrary; despoti

  3. (First attested in the mid 16th century.) 19 Real; actual. (First attested in the early 17th century.) 20 (context archaic English) Certain; free from doubt or uncertainty, as a person or prediction. (First attested in the early 17th century.) 21 Positive; unquestionable; peremptory. (First attested in the early 17th century.) 22 Free from conditional limitations; operating or existing in full under all circumstances without variation. (First attested in the early 17th century.) 23 (context philosophy English) Existing, able to be thought of, or able to be viewed without relation to other things. (First attested in the late 18th century.) 24 Authoritative; peremptory. 25 (context philosophy English) Fundamental; ultimate; intrinsic; free from the variability and error natural to the human way of thinking and perception. (First attested in the late 18th century.) 26 (context physics English) Independent of arbitrary units of measurement not comparative or relative as, 27 # having reference to or derived from the simplest manner from the fundamental units of mass, time, and length. 28 # relating to the absolute temperature scale. 29 (context legal English) Complete; unconditional; final; without encumbrances; not liable to change or cancellation. 30 (context education English) Pertaining to a grading system based on the knowledge of the individual and not on the comparative knowledge of the group of students. 31 (context art English) Concerned entirely with expressing beauty and feelings, lacking meaningful reference. 32 (context dance English) Utilizing the body to express ideas, independent of music and costumes. 33 (context math English) Indicating an expression that is true for all real number; unconditional. n. 1 That which is independent of context-dependent interpretation, inviolate, fundamental. (First attested in the mid 19th century.) 2 Anything that is absolute. (First attested in the mid 19th century.) 3 (context geometry English) In a plane, the two imaginary circular points at infinity; in space of three dimensions, the imaginary circle at infinity. 4 (context philosophy usually capitalized English) A realm which exists without reference to anything else; that which can be imagined purely by itself; absolute ego. 5 (context philosophy usually capitalized English) The unity of spirit and nature; Go

  4. 6 (context philosophy usually capitalized English) The whole of reality; the totality to which everything is reduced. 7 Concentrated natural flower oil, used for perfumes.

  1. adj. perfect or complete or pure; "absolute loyalty"; "absolute silence"; "absolute truth"; "absolute alcohol" [ant: relative]

  2. complete and without restriction or qualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers; "absolute freedom"; "an absolute dimwit"; "a downright lie"; "out-and-out mayhem"; "an out-and-out lie"; "a rank outsider"; "many right-down vices"; "got the job through sheer persistence"; "sheer stupidity" [syn: downright, out-and-out(a), rank(a), right-down, sheer(a)]

  3. not limited by law; "an absolute monarch"

  4. expressing finality with no implication of possible change; "an absolute (or unequivocal) quarantee to respect the nation's authority"; "inability to make a conclusive (or unequivocal) refusal" [syn: conclusive]

  5. without conditions or limitations; "a total ban" [syn: total, unconditioned]

  6. not capable of being violated or infringed; "infrangible human rights" [syn: infrangible, inviolable]


n. something that is conceived to be absolute; something that does not depends on anything else and is beyond human control; "no mortal being can influence the absolute"


Absolute may refer to:

Absolute (perfumery)

Used in perfumery and aromatherapy, absolutes are similar to essential oils. They are concentrated, highly aromatic, oily mixtures extracted from plants. Whereas essential oils can typically be produced through steam distillation, absolutes require the use of solvent extraction techniques or more traditionally, through enfleurage.

Absolute (record compilation)

Absolute is the brand of a long-running series of compilation albums owned by the Swedish record company EVA Records. Initially, the only albums in the series were called Absolute Music, but starting in 1990 there have been other themed albums such as Absolute Dance and Absolute Rock.

Absolute (production team)

Absolute are a music production team responsible for a number of hits in the 1990s and first decade of the 21st century.

Absolute (Aion album)

Absolute is the sixth album released by the Japanese metal band Aion. The album is more traditional heavy metal than power metal and thrash metal, a transition slowly seen throughout their releases. Exactly 7 days before the album's release, the single "Missing" came out to promote it. Oddly, a promotional video for the single's B-side "Killer" was made, but there was never an official promotional video for any song actually on Absolute.

Absolute (philosophy)

In philosophy, metaphysics, religion, spirituality, and other contexts, the Absolute is a term for the most real being. The Absolute is conceived as being itself or perhaps the being that transcends and comprehends all other beings.

While there is agreement that there must be some fundamental reality, there is disagreement as to what exactly that might be. For example, some theistic philosophers argue that the most real being is a personal God or gods. Some pantheistic philosophers argue that the most real being is an impersonal existence, such as Reality or Awareness. Others (such as perennial philosophers) argue that various similar terms and concepts designate to the same Absolute entity. Atheist, agnostic, and scientific pantheist philosophers might argue that some natural law such as gravity or simply nature itself is the most real being.

Absolute (Time-Life album)

Absolute is a music compilation album under both the Body and Soul and Midnight Soul collection series. Distributed by Time-Life through its music division, the album was released January 28, 2003 and was originally under the Body and Soul series. It was re-released in 2008 when Time-Life launched the Midnight Soul series.

It is distributed both in two versions: the single CD sold-in-stores and the Time-Life exclusive version on the double CD set. The sold-in-stores version features seventeen urban contemporary R&B hits, with many of them released in the Neo soul music era. The Time-Life exclusive version features 24 hits on 2 CDs, including seven more songs not featured in stores.

Usage examples of "absolute".

The Good: The Absolute Good cannot be thought to have taken up its abode with Evil.

And this is the Absolute Ugly: an ugly thing is something that has not been entirely mastered by pattern, that is by Reason, the Matter not yielding at all points and in all respects to Ideal-Form.

For This, the Beauty supreme, the absolute, and the primal, fashions Its lovers to Beauty and makes them also worthy of love.

As there is Good, the Absolute, as well as Good, the quality, so, together with the derived evil entering into something not itself, there must be the Absolute Evil.

Virtue is not the Absolute Good and Beauty, because we know that These are earlier than Virtue and transcend it, and that it is good and beautiful by some participation in them.

Reason-Principle: in the same way what gives an organism a certain bulk is not itself a thing of magnitude but is Magnitude itself, the abstract Absolute, or the Reason-Principle.

Their theory is confirmed by the cases in which two mixed substances occupy a greater space than either singly, especially a space equal to the conjoined extent of each: for, as they point out, in an absolute interpenetration the infusion of the one into the other would leave the occupied space exactly what it was before and, where the space occupied is not increased by the juxtaposition, they explain that some expulsion of air has made room for the incoming substance.

Reason-Principles which, by the fact that they are Principles of harmony, meet in the unit of Harmony, the absolute Harmony, a more comprehensive Principle, greater than they and including them as its parts.

Principle is not an absolute possession of the animal Kinds and is not even an absolute possession to all men.

Matter, then, thus brought to order must lose its own nature in the supreme degree unless its baseness is an accidental: if it is base in the sense of being Baseness the Absolute, it could never participate in order, and, if evil in the sense of being Evil the Absolute, it could never participate in good.

Nor can we, on the other hand, think that matter is simply Absolute Magnitude.

Repose in unity is a predicate asserted of Eternity, which, therefore, is not itself Repose, the absolute, but a participant in Repose.

It is certainly not there as the wine is in the wine jar, or as the jar in the jar, or as some absolute is self-present.

Why has the Primal not remained self-gathered so that there be none of this profusion of the manifold which we observe in existence and yet are compelled to trace to that absolute unity?

Knowing is a unitary thing, but defined: the first is One, but undefined: a defined One would not be the One-absolute: the absolute is prior to the definite.